"Mirabelle Media was a tremendous asset in helping us take our message and solidify it into a compelling, well-paced and concise video piece. Our BSN to RN Nursing Video has since been featured in various online nursing websites, and was a well received centerpiece for our presence at the 2010 AONE Conference in Indianapolis."
-J. Maestas,
 Marketing Department,
 Western Governors University

why mirabelle?

In today's world of television, Internet, and electronic media, the age-old adage, "a picture is worth a thousand words," couldn't be a more meaningful saying.

In fact, 80% of Internet searches are for multimedia and video, and 72% more people are likely to purchase a product or service when video is used.

With the tremendous popularity of the Internet, 'webmercials' and online video are two compelling examples of how a business can control and create personalized and informative content to both attract and retain new and existing clients.

Please visit our services page to view a complete list of our numerous marketing options. Let Mirabelle Media customize an advertising and media marketing plan that meets your companies growing needs!

